Description. Learn advanced skills, in a greatly compressed time frame, to successfully protect your family from a violent attack. You will benefit from a personalized, and detailed, Phase Training Manual that lays a foundation of skills, then continually builds upon that foundation. Bridging the skills and experience gap between unarmed combatives and armed skills is key to being truly prepared for a violent encounter. Not every confrontation requires a shooting solution. Learn to recognize the developing situation for what it is, create a reasonable, and legal, response based upon your training and experience, and then decisively implement your life-saving plan. Test your decision making ability under stress with Stress Inoculation Training.
The Intensive Personal Defense Training Plan helps you develop a hardware, software, and mindset group of skills and principles that are inter-related to your specific living environment. The amount of instruction time will be well over 100 hours with online training sessions as well as live fire instruction with related training at a reserved tactical firing range. The total time of this project will be directly related to the Home Environment Survey module and will be task oriented; a detailed proposal will be submitted for the client’s approval in advance of beginning this training plan.
A portion of this course will satisfy the mandated training requirements for a California CCW permit. You have a different set of priorities than a special ops team or a law enforcement officer. This project will tailor your home defense training development to best suit those needs.
Goals. Educate and train the client in the variety of principles and skills that specifically relate to personal defense in a home, office, and/or public environment. At the conclusion of this project the client will understand the dynamics of a critical incident, how to recognize an imminent attack, and options that you may take if you are forced to confront a violent attacker in your home, office, or in public.
An on-site security survey is available. Your site will be evaluated for security vulnerabilities, then a separate presentation will be made to you to address those identified issues. Scenarios will be planned and rehearsed to test your new plan.
Family members, should at least be aware of this planning and development project, even if not fully participating. Younger children, subject to final parental discretion, should be included in age appropriate discussions of the plan. Specific issues will be addressed and evaluated as indicated.
Tactical Safety in the home, office, and public environments
California Laws of Self-Defense
Fundamental Concepts of Home/Office Defense
Unarmed combative concepts
Planning a Home Defense Response to Violent Attack
Defensive Handgun and Long Gun Training
Tactics for Home/Office Defense
Carry of Concealed Weapon (CCW) Concepts
Post Shooting Protocols and Interaction with Law Enforcement After a Shooting
Unconventional Shooting Positions
Introduction to Low-Light Level Shooting
Introduction to Tactical Combat Casualty Care
Introduction to Stress Inoculation, and Scenario Training
Security Survey and formal presentation
Red Teaming Planning. Learn defensive planning principles and how to apply them to any environment.
Immediate Action Drills for Follow-Home Robbery, Anti-Carjacking, and Home Invasion
All of these topics are presented and developed for the client’s particular living/working environment. The specific skills and skill sets required to follow the plan are presented, learned, and honed on a live-fire, tactical firing range. The skill sets, pressure-tested with decision-making variables, are then rehearsed in your living environment with inert training props.
Due to the extensive nature of this training plan, an application is required to evaluate the suitability of the client for this type of program. Not all applicants will be appropriate for this intensive level of training. After the application is submitted for approval an interview will be conducted with the potential client to determine the client’s realistic priorities and threat environment. Upon a mutual understanding of the goals desired, weighed against practical considerations, a Proposal for Training Services will be offered to the client for approval prior to commencement of instruction.
This program is typically a 8-10 week, intensive, personalized course of instruction that involves ongoing lessons that start with online fundamental building lessons involving the presentation and learning of basic principles of defensive actions, legal considerations, and mechanical skills. These will be initially conducted online and then, when appropriate, in-person to further develop the physical, and decision-making, skills to successfully defend against an attack.
The successful applicant will get unrestricted access to the experience and expertise of a veteran police firearms trainer who will provide personalized instruction, training, and mentoring in the art, science, and laws of armed self-defense in a compressed time period; in essence, a trusted advisor, mentor, and tutor.
Training plans start at $3,000 for a 10 week, tailored lesson plan that will accelerate your learning, provide you with current and relevant knowledge in the self-defense world, and make you a hard target.
Submit your inquiry via the CONTACT form.