- Economy of Motion
- Foundation Building
- Critical Skills Development
- Stress Inoculation
Mechanics, Markmanship, and Mindset
Teaching the Art, Science, and Laws of Armed Defense

Personal Gun Training By Appointment Only
Personal Firearms Training Services
“Remember though, your best weapon is between your ears and under your scalp, provided it’s loaded.”
-Robert Heinlein

Personal Training
Private, mentorship training will always accelerate your learning curve. A training plan that is focused upon your needs and living environment will empower you even further.
Couples, Women Only, and Small Group Training
Train with your partner, small group, or family to have fun and build a critical trust relationship at the same time. Save money, too. Additional training partners come in at a steeply discounted price that lowers the overall cost of this type of training event.
Using client feedback and final approval, a training plan that is appropriate to all family members may be developed. This may be as simple as an in-home safety presentation that educates on safe firearms handling or may be as involved as the client desires. Please see the Integrated Personal Defense Training Plan for further details.
All training packages and presentations may be given to your women only group to provide a low-stress, teaching environment that will empower and introduce you to the principles and skills of armed defense. Introductory instruction that does NOT involve any live-fire, but does remove the “mysteries” of how guns work and the principles of personal defense, may be conducted at your suitable venue. Contact DFI to discuss your requirements and to develop a tailored lesson plan for your group.
Law Enforcement / Military Training
Invest in yourself; no one else is going to be as interested in your success as you are. Learn life-saving skills from a veteran NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor and Chief Range Safety Officer.
- Annual and/or periodic re-qualification
- Remedial firearms training
- Plain clothes carry
- Unconventional/emergency shooting
Are you headed for the police academy with little or no formal firearms training? Learning firearms skills under the intense stress of any police academy can be daunting. Get ahead of the rest of the class and learn your firearms basics in a calm environment with a police mentor. Pre-academy familiarization for handgun and patrol shotgun is available.
California Department of Justice, Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC) Certified Instructor
Chief Range Safety Officer, National Rifle Association
CCW Training, Laws of Self-Defense, Instructor Program graduate
28 year veteran law enforcement firearms trainer
NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor-Multiple Firearms Platforms
Certified Use of Force Analyst-Force Science™ Research Center
United States Marine Corps Rangemaster
I was afraid of guns and enrolled in my first gun class with Riley. He is an amazing instructor with attention to detail on handling a gun safely. Riley provided clear step by step instructions on handling the gun prior to firing it. By the end of my first class, I had overcome my fear and was sad class was over because I wanted to shoot more! I look forward to future lessons with Riley as I work on actually hitting the target.Munmy Wong, Tradeshow Coordinator, Los Angeles
As a student in self-defense, I felt it necessary for me to have a basic knowledge of firearms; how they work and how to use them. I had never fired or held a gun before and was nervous to do so for the first time. Riley has the patience, knowledge and excellent communication and social skills to teach a wide range of people how to responsibly use a gun. I could not have envisioned a better experience in learning how to fire a gun for the first time than how Riley conducted his class. By the end of the session I felt much more comfortable in my ability to handle and fire a hand gun. I look forward to additional firearms instruction from Riley in the future.Ana Gamboa, Organic Chemist, Los Angeles
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